Summer Barbecues Heating Up


Every year, over 7,000 accidents occur from the use of backyard barbecues, causing $96 million in property damage.* Of the 7,000 accidents, 1,400 incidents resulted from charcoal or other solid fueled grills.*

Before firing up the barbecue during the upcoming summer months, be sure to use safe grilling practices to avoid accidents and other fire-related problems. The NFPA recommends the following safety tips.

  • Keep your grill at least 10 feet away from your house and away from wooden overhangs and tree branches as the fire could flare up into the structure above.
  • Grease is a major source of flare-ups, so cleaning your grill and the grease trays regularly will remove any excess grease and fat.
  • Always open the grill lid before turning on the gas. This stops gas from building up in the grill and exploding when the lid is opened.
  • Don’t leave a grill unattended. Planning ahead with the prep work will allow you to focus on grilling once the grill has been turned on.

*National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2013

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