Happy Halloween!


Costumes, candy and pumpkins, oh my! Halloween is supposed to be a fun day, and with some helpful tips, you can prevent a homeowner’s insurance claim from ruining your Halloween.

  • Clear a path for trick-or-treaters and visitors to your front door. This can prevent children and adults from tripping and falling over decorations, gardening tools, cords or any other debris that may be blocking the path toyour front door.
  • Keep pets away from the door. Nothing is more exciting for trick-or-treaters than the prospect of candy, and nothing riles up your dogs more than the constant ringing of the doorbell. Keeping pets in an area away from the front door guarantees the safety of both your visitors and pets.
  • Turn the lights on if you won’t be home. Not only will this help trick-or-treaters to be able to see clearly in front of them on the way to your door, it will also deter burglars or vandals from doing any “tricks” or worse to your home if they think you are there.
  • Use battery-operated candles in your pumpkins. The finishing touch to that jack-o-lantern is a beautiful dancing light, but an open flame inside those pumpkins can be a recipe for disaster. Pumpkins can be tipped over easily and could result in fire damage. Invest in a battery-operated candle and be worry free.
  • Drive with extra caution. Between the excitement of dressing up in their costumes and the endless candy sugar rush, kids can be distracted and forget to look both ways before crossing streets. Drive with extra caution in residential areas and put your cell phone away so you won’t be tempted to use it while driving.

We wish you a safe and Happy Halloween!

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